Why I Stray
Every night I go to sleep
With demon pussy sinking deep.
You see, I've learned expectantly
That in my sea of broken dreams
The faintest joy and blindest hope
Are weepy, weaker than they seem.
If I see sin as cancer
She excites the tumors deeper.
If I give in to failure,
She defeats me as a dancer.
Her name is Lovely Lust and man,
Her bust is big and blooming.
Sometimes her breasts are discontent
Like eyes that go perusing.
But I don't mind, she fills the time,
I fill her inner places.
I say, it's fine if no one sees
My friction fuck your faces.
At night she comes in widowed shame,
How could I make her go?
She's destitute, no pride, no loot,
Why not make this her home?
But there's another living there
A Girl I love like lightning.
With Her that joy and hope is left
To sulk and moan that they're bereft
Of me, the king of inward realm.
I choose who lives and dies!
So when I let her take the helm,
I'm living in her lies.
My Girl, the one who listens close,
When all is dark in grey morose
Would boast of me if I would choose
To love her wine instead of booze;
Speckled like a butterfly, my love
Is beauty, sure,
But what of lust? I will, I must
Forsake my whore.
After all, her dusty rust
Is like a lioness.
I watch her stalk her evening prey
And cum between her teeth.
Now - today! Don't let her lay
Upon your ivory tower.
Unless perhaps she hints
That you could watch her in the shower..
No! How could I be so dumb?
Am I so numb to fire?
I cannot see a way that I
Could choose what I hold dear.
With lust, I feel so lonely..
With love, I know true fear.
Is that the root of this?
My old, forgotten friend?
Your fangs of folly hiss.
Destruction is your trend!
Emotion far from bliss,
Perspectives pulled and bent,
Is cast away by love,
Why do I self-pretend?
My Girl, am I the same?
She must have gone away.
She calls my middle name
She waited out the gray..
Her beauty's brightest flame
I come and hear her say...
Is stronger than you(r) fear,
So know, I'll always stay.