What Can Right Ten Thousand Wrongs?

What can right ten thousand wrongs? Oh, not I, the farthest gone. Pride has taught me for so long, Shameless teaching hate. I wait to sing my song. I entered through the wide gate Battled without breastplate Trusting in my own fate And willing to offend. I sinned, and that holds weight. Audrey, you were my friend You trusted that I’d defend And though I didn’t intend To stab your back so deep.. I guess that’s just my trend. My guilt, I feel it seep My body yearns to weep But calloused hearts don’t keep Their promises so well. I guess it’s hard to tell. I wrote this poem because... I guess I didn’t know how else to tell you how sorry I am. I didn’t realize how completely I betrayed you so long ago until Priscella talked to me tonight.. But when I told Zach about you liking him.. That’s exactly what I was doing. No excuses. I’m the kind of person that can get caught up in emotion.. That forgets other people’s needs because I am so focused on ‘living in the moment’ or ‘finding myself’ or whatever self-centered thing I’m focused on at the time. It’s not really just that, though, is it? Because I’ve treated you like shit for about two months now. I don’t know why I talked to you, of all people, the way I did.. Hate is truly pointless, after all.. But when I spoke to you, it wasn’t with words of love, however much I try to convince myself that it was. Even though I would’ve held my tongue for anyone else, I didn’t for you.. And I’m so, so sorry for that. You were my excuse for being evil, and my outlet for the stress in my life. But because I had gotten so used to being that way when I was around you.. I guess I stopped noticing. We worked our jobs at Saferide and didn’t look each other in the eye and assumed everything would be alright as soon as we could get away from each other. But it wasn’t alright, at least, it wasn’t alright with me. Hate was standing between us, the kind of hate that deceives you into thinking it’s real but really grows out of the seductive, underlying bitterness my callous words had inspired in your heart. And though I began to fight it a few weeks ago, I’ve been losing. So now.. I’m not gonna expect you to be my friend again. I get it. Even though I would swear on my life not to do it again, I’m broken and foolish and I don’t want you to get hurt anymore. I’m not being overdramatic. I know myself and now I know how deeply I hurt you. This letter does have a purpose, though. I need you to forgive me. Not for my sake, certainly not, but for the sake of your heart. I don’t want to see you get lost in the same despair and depression that I was caught up in for so long last semester, invoked by a annoyance so tiny and bitter that it has the power to eat up everything in you. I’m not just preaching... It’s true. And I don’t want you to lose yourself in hating anyone, even me. that’s my spiel. hope you liked it. tommy
My Poems
Although some friends abandon lonely way, A Poem About Me Black -> Blue Black Sunlight, Shine! Callings Colorado Love Come Conjunctivitis Daydreams Deep, Deep, Deep i met a girl I Know the Taste of Death I stood alone on morning clear I will not worship the mountains, In your eyes resides a home Greatness The Ghost in Me My Greatest Fear heaven isn't celibate No Matter What Slack Line Love There was a man who loved the Lord There's nothing I can say, Journeys Nature's Hue Watchman, O Watchman What Can Right Ten Thousand Wrongs? When all the world felt dark as night, When violence refuses to be named, Why I Stray Your hair is redder than the sun, The Lord Is The Lord's Will The Quiet Truth

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