I Know the Taste of Death
I know the taste of death.
I've slept in wind swept skin,
Letting fiery darkness in,
Forgiven kin.
I know the taste of death.
That broken icy dagger
Not plunged in heart, or soul, or chin,
But chilling your chest,
Leaning against
Your throat.
I know the taste of death;
That beauty bittersweet of tongue,
Lamenting battles lost and won,
Enjoying empty breath.
I know the taste of death
And in it some have lost their way,
Veins of varicose delighted,
Crown of hollow gray.
But here I stand today.
Lungs still breathing, jawline set.
Hope yet fleeting, courage bent.
Firm in life made new by death.
I may know the taste of death,
But I will choose the breath God Lent,
Dancing with that sweet duet
And yet
Still, my darling, don't forget
Still, my love,
I will repent.